Orange Swirl (Blue) ice cream in a green, blue and red marshmallow swirled jar with a vanilla frosted rim rolled in Rainbow Sugar . Topped with a Sour Color Popsicle, whip icing, rainbow sand sugar and Sour Patch Kids.
Crazy POP of Color

Orange Swirl (Blue) ice cream in a green, blue and red marshmallow swirled jar with a vanilla frosted rim rolled in Rainbow Sugar . Topped with a Sour Color Popsicle, whip icing, rainbow sand sugar and Sour Patch Kids.
Who's it for?
Sour, then sour some more, sour again with a side of sour. If you like sour candy then this is the sour punch treat you'll be needing to make your day a little bit sweeter. Chewy Sour Patch Kids meets sweet crunchy chopped up Jolly Ranchers. Does your taste buds need our address to send the thank you note?
What's in it?
Blue Marshmallow
Green Marshmallow
Rainbow Sand Sugar
Sour Patch Kids
Vanilla Buttercream
Whipped Icing

Blue Marshmallow
Green Marshmallow
Rainbow Sand Sugar
Sour Patch Kids
Vanilla Buttercream
Whipped Icing
Sour, then sour some more, sour again with a side of sour. If you like sour candy then this is the sour punch treat you'll be needing to make your day a little bit sweeter. Chewy Sour Patch Kids meets sweet crunchy chopped up Jolly Ranchers. Does your taste buds need our address to send the thank you note?